Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Anyone need a ride?

It's been a little bit of a crazy week! Michael and Allie had a winter camp over the break, Alex started B ball and Michael and Allie wrapped their seasons up. On Friday, Pete's car decided it was tired of running. How a new engine can decide to quit is beyond me?(The kids think it's because I call it names:)- it's good I'm not superstitious!) Let's just say God is teaching me a lot about patience lately. I am grateful that I am able to drive everyone around, including my hubby, but I will be glad when we return to the land of the two vehicle family:) All that said, car time can definitely turn into good talk time, so I am making the most of being the family taxi driver and enjoying being able to visit with everyone in an uninterrupted environment! So, anyone need a ride? :):):)


Robyn said...

I'll take a ride!

Judy Stein said...

Can't think of anyone I'd rather ride around with, Bre....

Michelle said...

Hmmm ... I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon. If you're not busy!! ;)