Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Blessed is what I feel today. This morning as I sat and reflected on God's hand in my life these past few months, I felt overwhelmingly blessed! I've shared before that part of the journey God has had me on these past few years has been one of pulling roots I have planted in the wrong places out, and showing me that I need to be rooted in Him alone. One thing I haven't shared though, is that one of His tools in this process has been the life of someone I am very grateful for.

She, always speaks truth in my life, even when it is hard to hear.
She, chanllenges me gently, but always is encouraging.
She, doesn't judge me when I am still in the process of learning something she has already learned.
She does quiet nice things for me without anyone knowing.
She is teaching her children the Word of God and convicts me to do the same.
She listens to me - endlessly!
She loves my family like they are her own.
She inspires me.
And after 30 years of knowing her, I still am getting to know her.

Thank you Jenny for letting God use you to comfort me, strengthen me, push me, and change me.

You are the meaning of a Godly best friend! I am blessed by you!


Judy Stein said...

What a beautiful tribute to a sister. I loved it and feel that way about my youngest sister. May I steal your words?

Jenny said...

Believe me the blessing goes both ways! If we're honest, we'd agree that perhaps sometimes I do more of the listening and you do more of the talking, but you don't know how many times your words have helped me, challenged me and encouraged me! The quote is right- "sisters make the best friends!" I'm so thankful for all of my siblings and the roles you each play, but I'm also thankful God didn't decide to make me the only Hetland in Cali! I love you!
Oh, and by the way, don't sell me short- I'm not 30 yet :). You gotta let me enjoy my last couple of months as a 20something! Love you!