Here are some old pictures of my baby turned almost junior higher!
I think last night was the beginning of a week of tears to come. Last night was the last elemantary open house I will attend for one of our kids and next week is Alex's last week of elementary school. Although I mostly have happy tears, some are sad ones too. Sad, because my babies are growing up way too fast. Everyone tells you this is going to happen. I remember hearing "enjoy it while you can" all the time.At the time they tell you that, life doesn't feel like it's speeding by. I think something happened around mid elementary school....time went into fast forward mode and since then it has felt like the days and months and years are blazing past me. It's not so much that I want to go back, but rather that I wish I could push "pause".
So, Alex proudly showed us his work last night, and as I was watching him show me his papers, I looked at him and it hit me...Elementary school is days from being over. WOW! Alex has been privileged to attend 7 1/2 years at Boulder Creek. 1 1/2 of preschool before the big K started and all the rest of it too. It has been a fun ride. From watching him play basketball and soccer as a bear to hearing his speech for president, BC has been a fun place for him and I'm sure he'll have memories for years to come.
Ready or not, life moves on with you in the throws of it. He is growing up right before my eyes and becoming such a special young man. This year he has become so much more independent; from school work, to asking to cook for himself, to thinking girls are not so bad...etc.
I'm trying to be excited for Alex and the new stage of life that it seems we have been thrown into these past few months, and I am. But last night as I tucked in my sleeping babies, I prayed that God would slow it all down, just a little, maybe even a lot!
Being a mom is the best thing that's ever happened in my life! It has been the greatest privilege, pleasure and challenge. I know that God will bless and direct these next years...so here we go, in one week all three kids will officially be in junior high!