Friday, September 21, 2007

another quick update

Our computer should be done early next week, so I thought I'd give a quick update again. Next week, I'll put some pictures on the blog , but I wanted to announce that Alex made Treasurer this week. Yeah! He was so nervous to give his speech, but he did such a good job! He is really excited about performing his duties.....the one he seems most thrilled about, is helping out at school movie night.
We did find out that Alex needs to have a little surgery done in the next few months to help repair the hole in his ear drum. They have been monitoring it for the last 6 months and had been putting a paper like "band-aid" on it every few weeks, but it is not healing. He has not liked that office procedure, and even though it has not really been painful, his patience has definitely worn off. So, he is relieved that they will not need to put the paper in his ear anymore. The surgery will be simple, and the same doctor that did my thyroid surgery will do it. We love him! He is so kind and has become like a family friend to us all. We'll probably wait until January or February to do it, since there is not a real rush, except for needing it to be done before summer and being in the water! We'll keep you all posted.
Pete is at the men's retreat this weekend. He just left and is so excited to be with the guys and be in the Word together.
Last night we went to the Todd Agnew/Rush of Fools concert. It was awesome. A late night, but well worth it.
The kids and I are going to sleep in, stay home, and enjoy a little down time this weekend. Hope everyone is off to a good fall!

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