Monday, November 03, 2008

I've been Tagged!

My friend Megan Tagged me. I loved reading her and Jenny's responses on their blogs. I don't know that mine will be as interesting, but here goes...Six interesting facts about myself.

1. I hate my kitchen being messy. I don't think I've ever gone to bed with a sink full of dirty dishes. If we have a party, I'd rather stay up into the wee hours of the morning to clean the mess, than wake up to it. Now, don't worry if you are one my friends who may not share my neurotic passion- I never mind someone else's messy kitchen. In fact, it is strangely freeing for me to leave a dirty dish in your sink and know you don't care:):):)

2. My favorite holiday is really more of a holiday week. I love Thanksgiving week. It has always been my favorite. I love Thanksgiving day, but really I love the whole weekend; getting Christmas stuff out, maybe even the tree, spending time with family and friends - the whole holiday feels so cozy and peaceful and LONG!

3. My idea of a perfect day right now would be; a rainy day where I could stay home all day with my kids and husband, in my jammie's, with a REAL fire in the fireplace and nothing we'd have to do or get done. I spent so many years home with the kids and I remember being so bored of being home all day, now I'd welcome it. Funny how things change!

4. I've always felt that God has and will call me to full time ministry someday. I don't know how or where or when, but Pete and I both share this sense that someday we will serve God in more of a full time capacity.

5. I love coats....REALLY love coats! I counted, just for the sake of this blog and I have 17 coats. 8 dress coats, 4 winter ski coats, 1 leather coat,3 athletic style coats and 1 down coat. and these are not 17 coats that I use to wear, or sit in my closet, but 17 coats that I currently wear. The problem is, I live in the wrong place to have this love for coats. I only get to wear them for a few months out of the year. I really wish that the coat could just be the outfit. I hate taking them off, especially when they are so cute. (And no, I am not convinced I have enough, I just tried one on yesterday! )

6.MUSIC- I love it!!! It has shaped, convicted, softened, healed and freed my heart from the time I was a little girl. I love all music, but mostly I am talking about WORSHIP MUSIC. I love listening to it, and I love writing it, but mostly I love singing and playing and worshiping God through it. I have a feeling I've been labeled "the Charismatic one" of my family. But, so you know, this is really more of a private thing for me, than public. I raise my hands in the car, the shower, while I am get the picture. I get so lost in singing my heart to Jesus. When the song is about God's sovereignty or majesty, I'll feel like I could sing it forever. I look forward to music in heaven! I can't wait to sing " Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God almighty, who was and is and is to come. and if God allows, I'll sing it to Him forever!

7. There is no trial, struggle, are heartache in my life that I wish God would have saved me from. That may sound cliche, but it's true. Everthing I've lost or hurt from has led me to such a deeper place with my Lord. In those times my heart has broke, He has replaced deep fears with deep trust and faith, He has freed me of chains I bore, He has rooted me in Him and taken my roots out of this world. I know that if I had been spared the pain, I wouldn't know Him, the way I know Him today. I truly am thankful for how He has allowed pain in my life, but walked with me every day of it!

So there are seven things about me. Opps- it was suppose to be six. Now I'd like to tag Sherrie Jones, Sandie Haskins, Angie Rowe, and Sabrina Heltand. Have fun!


The Earnhardt Family said...

What a great blog!!! I loved reading through your six...I mean SEVEN things ;-D I am especially with you on #6, the worship songs one. I LOVE getting totally lost in music...Chris Tomlin, Brenton Brown, Lincoln Brewster, Paul Baloche, Matt Redman...I am so thankful for their ministry.

As for my kitchen...well you are more than welcome to leave dirty stuff in my sink! I am cracking up at how that is freeing to you! :-D

Megan Bonnin said...

Yeah! you did it! I think we should do it more often! I'm with you on the dirty dishes in the sink! They just get grosser the longer they sit in the sink...YUCK

The Earnhardt Family said...

Wow. Thankyou for that beautiful glimpse into who God is continuing to form you into. I remember sitting at a piano one Thanksgiving downstairs and singing with you. Then I remember listening to you play one that you wrote and thinking, what a gift.

Robyn said...

If I knew you had lost me I would have helped you find me. But, I didn't know I was lost! You can always link to me from Suzy's blog!

Sherry said...

Breanna~ You are such a great writer, you have a gift my friend! Thanks for tagging me!

Judy Stein said...

What a beautiful picture of a lovely young woman. And, I remember so well our early days together around music. I will never forget singing and having you watch me like I was on a pedestal and having it be very scarey that i might fall off. You, indeed, have grown into a woman of God, Breanna. Continue your journey and you will be continually blessed. I love you.