Thursday, January 29, 2009

Something that convicted me...

A sermon I listend to called "Grace in compromise" -

My feelings about that sermon:

Excusing or explaining my behavior so that I don't have to change or give up things I know aren't right.

Comparing myself to the standard others follow rather than the standard set for me in the Word of God.

A slow fade - Small choices that begin putting distance between my heart and the heart of God.

So, in order that my blog will aspire to be what I pray it is - a testimony, I am being vulnerable for a minute. I am saddened today by the compromise I've allowed in my life and I desperately want to live to a higher standard, God's!

*To give God my first's. The first of my day, the first of our finances, the first of our week, FIRST.
*To not allow anything in our home that would oppose the desire or purpose of God.
*To not be entertained by what breaks His heart.
*To realize that what God tells me no to, is for my good and His glory, and not to restrict my joy.

This is my prayer and my commitment. Not out of a heart of legalism, but out of gratitude for my salvation and for the sole purpose that He would be magnified in our lives and in my home.

Hebrews 3:7 " Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts."
Something that convicted me - Compormise!


. La Kris said...

Hey Breanna,

Thanks for sharing your thoughts...

It is very convicting to think about the little ways in which we make compromises each day.

I am so grateful that God's grace is new every morning and that we have the opportunity to start fresh...

God bless,

Unknown said...

Amen sister!!! I'm so thankful for your realness. You're a huge blessing in my life and I thank God for your friendship!

Bless ya!
